Lake Mburo National Park is a protected area located in western Uganda, and it was originally gazetted as a wildlife reserve in 1963. In 1983, it was designated as a national park to help conserve its unique biodiversity. The park is situated in the Kiruhura District and covers an area of about 370 square kilometers (140 square miles). One of the distinctive features of Lake Mburo National Park is the presence of Lake Mburo, which is one of the fourteen lakes in the area. The lake, after which the park is named, is the largest in the park and serves as a focal point for various activities. The park is part of a larger ecosystem that includes five other lakes, making it an essential water catchment area.

Here are some key aspects of Lake Mburo National Park:

  1. Wildlife Diversity: Despite its relatively small size, Lake Mburo National Park is home to a variety of wildlife. The park is known for its populations of impalas, zebras, buffaloes, hippos, and crocodiles. Additionally, it hosts over 300 bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers.
  1. Acacia Savannah Landscape: The park features a diverse landscape, characterized by rolling hills, open grasslands, and acacia woodlands. This varied terrain provides habitats for a wide range of flora and fauna.
  1. Lake Mburo: The lake itself is an important feature, offering opportunities for boat trips and lakeside activities. Hippopotamuses and crocodiles are often spotted along the shores, and the birdlife around the lake is abundant.
  1. Activities: Visitors to Lake Mburo National Park can engage in various activities such as game drives, boat safaris, nature walks, and horseback riding. The park is known for its walking safaris, providing a unique and up-close experience with the wildlife.
  1. Conservation: Lake Mburo National Park plays a crucial role in the conservation of the biodiversity in the region. It is part of the greater Lake Victoria Basin ecosystem, which is vital for maintaining ecological balance and supporting the livelihoods of local communities.
  1. Cultural Encounters: The park is also home to the Bahima people, who have coexisted with the wildlife in the area for generations. Cultural encounters with the local communities can provide visitors with insights into the traditional practices and lifestyles of the Bahima people.


Lake Mburo National Park being located in western Uganda, makes it accessible from various points in the country. Here are some general guidelines on how to get to the park:

  • By Air:

The nearest major airport is Entebbe International Airport, located near the capital city, Kampala. From Entebbe, you can take a domestic flight to Mbarara Airport, which is the closest airstrip to Lake Mburo National Park.

From Mbarara, you can arrange for a vehicle transfer to the park, which is approximately 1-2 hours away.

  • By Road:

Lake Mburo National Park is about 4 to 5 hours by road from Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The road journey is approximately 280 kilometers.

The most common route is to take the Masaka-Mbarara highway. From Kampala, head southwest towards Masaka, then continue to Mbarara. From Mbarara, you can take a road that leads directly to the park.

Alternatively, you can take a route through Lyantonde, which is a bit longer but may offer a different scenic experience.

Public Transport:

Public buses and minibusses (matatus) operate between major towns in Uganda. You can take a bus to Mbarara and then arrange for a vehicle from there to Lake Mburo National Park.

Public transport options might be more time-consuming and less flexible than hiring a private vehicle.

Guided Tours and Safari Companies:

Many tour operators and safari companies in Uganda offer guided tours to Lake Mburo National Park. These tours often include transportation, accommodation, and guided activities within the park.

Booking a guided tour can be a convenient option for those who prefer a hassle-free experience.


If you’re comfortable driving in Uganda, you can rent a vehicle and drive to Lake Mburo National Park. Ensure that you have up-to-date maps or GPS navigation, and be aware of road conditions.

What to do in Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park offers a variety of activities for visitors, providing a unique blend of wildlife experiences, outdoor adventures, and cultural interactions. Here are some activities you can enjoy in Lake Mburo National Park:

Game Drives:

Explore the park’s diverse landscape on a game drive. The park is home to various wildlife, including impalas, zebras, buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species. Game drives can be conducted both during the day and at night, offering different perspectives of the park’s inhabitants.

Boat Safaris:

Take a boat safari on Lake Mburo to get up close to hippos, crocodiles, and numerous bird species. The lake provides a tranquil setting for observing wildlife, and the boat trips are often guided by knowledgeable park rangers.

Walking Safaris:

Lake Mburo National Park is one of the few parks in Uganda where walking safaris are permitted. Walking through the park allows for a more intimate experience with nature. Accompanied by an armed ranger, you can explore the savannah, woodlands, and lake shores on foot.

Horseback Riding:

For a unique safari experience, consider going on a horseback riding adventure within the park. It provides a different perspective and allows you to get closer to wildlife while enjoying the thrill of horse riding.

Bird Watching:

Lake Mburo National Park is a haven for birdwatchers, boasting over 300 bird species. Bring your binoculars and explore the diverse habitats, including acacia woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands, to spot a variety of colorful and unique birdlife.

Cultural Encounters:

Engage in cultural experiences with the local Bahima community. You can visit traditional homesteads, learn about their way of life, and even participate in cultural dances or ceremonies.

Picnicking and Relaxation:

Several designated picnic spots within the park offer a chance to relax and enjoy the scenery. Bring a picnic lunch and take in the sights and sounds of nature.

Spot Fishing:

Fishing is allowed in Lake Mburo, and you can try your hand at catching some of the lake’s fish species. However, fishing activities need to be coordinated with park authorities, and there may be regulations in place.


Lake Mburo National Park provides excellent opportunities for photography, with its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife. Capture the beauty of the savannah, the reflective waters of the lake, and the fascinating wildlife.

When is the Best Time to Visit?

The best time to visit Lake Mburo National Park in Uganda depends on your preferences for weather, wildlife viewing, and specific activities. Uganda generally experiences two main seasons: the dry season and the wet season.

Dry Season (June to August and December to February):

The dry season is considered the best time to visit Lake Mburo National Park. This period experiences lower rainfall, resulting in drier and more accessible roads.

Wildlife congregates around water sources during this time, making it easier to spot animals around Lake Mburo. The vegetation is also less dense, enhancing visibility.

June to August and December to February are the peak tourist seasons, so the park may be busier during these months. It’s advisable to book accommodations and activities in advance.

Wet Season (March to May and September to November):

The wet season is characterized by heavier rainfall, and some areas of the park may become muddy and challenging to navigate.

The landscape is lush and green during the wet season, providing a different, more vibrant backdrop. Birdwatching is particularly rewarding during this time.

The wet season is also the birthing period for many animals, so you may have the chance to see young animals in the park.

Bird Watching Season (March to May):

If you are primarily interested in birdwatching, the wet season (March to May) is an excellent time to visit. Many migratory bird species are present during this period, and the park is filled with bird activity.

Avoiding Crowds:

If you prefer quieter visits and are willing to tolerate some rainfall, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons (early March, September, and October). During these months, you might experience a good balance between weather conditions and fewer tourists.

It’s important to note that weather patterns can vary, and climate conditions may shift from year to year.

Accommodation/ Where to Stay.

Lake Mburo National Park offers a range of accommodation options, catering to various preferences and budgets. Here are some general suggestions for places to stay within and around the park:

Budget Accommodations

Eagle’s Nest Camp is a budget-friendly camp located near Lake Mburo National Park. They offer basic tented accommodations and camping facilities.

While offering a range of accommodations, Igongo Cultural Centre also has budget-friendly options. It is located near Lake Mburo and provides a cultural experience.

Rwonyo Rest Camp is located within Lake Mburo National Park and offers budget-friendly bandas (thatched huts) with shared facilities. It’s a basic but convenient option for those wanting to stay inside the park.

Mid-Range Accommodations

Mburo Safari Lodge provides mid-range accommodation with various room options, including cottages and safari tents. It offers a picturesque setting near Lake Mburo.

Rwakobo Rock offers mid-range accommodations, including well-appointed cottages. The lodge is known for its scenic location and peaceful surroundings.

Luxury Accommodations

  1. Mihingo Lodge:

Mihingo Lodge is known for providing a luxurious experience near Lake Mburo National Park. The lodge offers high-end tented cottages with stunning views and top-notch amenities.

Manatana Tented Camp has a luxury tented camp within close proximity to Lake Mburo. The camp offers well-appointed tents with modern amenities for a more upscale stay.

  1. Kigambira Safari Lodge

Park Rules and Regulations.

When visiting Lake Mburo National Park, it’s crucial to adhere to rules and regulations to ensure the safety of visitors, protect the environment, and preserve wildlife. Here are some general rules and guidelines that typically apply to Lake Mburo National Park:

Entry Permits:

Visitors must obtain entry permits before entering the park. These permits can be obtained at the park entrance or through authorized agencies.

Guided Activities:

Some activities, such as walking safaris, may require the presence of a certified guide or ranger. It’s essential to follow their instructions and stay within designated areas.

Game Drives:

Game drives should only be conducted on designated trails and roads. Off-road driving is generally not allowed to protect the vegetation and wildlife.

Boat Safaris:

If you’re participating in a boat safari on Lake Mburo, listen to and follow the instructions of the boat guide. Maintain a safe distance from wildlife and avoid any disruptive behavior.

Walking Safaris:

Walking safaris are typically accompanied by armed rangers. Visitors must stay within the group, follow the guide’s instructions, and avoid disturbing wildlife.

Camping and Picnicking:

Camping and picnicking may be allowed only in designated areas. Always use designated fire pits for cooking, and do not leave any trash behind.

Wildlife Interaction:

Maintain a safe and respectful distance from wildlife. Avoid feeding animals, as this can alter their natural behavior and diet.

Noisy or Disruptive Behavior:

Loud noises, including playing loud music, are generally discouraged as they can disturb the wildlife and the overall natural environment.

Fishing Regulations:

If you plan to fish in Lake Mburo, adhere to specific fishing regulations. Fishing may be allowed only in certain areas and under certain conditions.

Waste Management:

Practice responsible waste disposal. Carry out all non-biodegradable waste and dispose of it properly. Many parks promote a “Leave No Trace” policy to minimize the impact on the environment.

Respect Local Communities:

If there are local communities within or near the park, respect their cultural practices and traditions. Seek permission before entering private lands.

Medical Precautions:

It’s advisable to have the necessary vaccinations and take precautions against malaria. Carry any required medications and inform your guide about any health concerns.

Visiting Lake Mburo National Park offers a unique blend of wildlife experiences, cultural interactions, and the chance to appreciate the natural beauty of the Ugandan landscape. It provides a more intimate and less crowded safari experience compared to some larger parks in the region.

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