Mgahinga National Park is a protected area located in southwestern Uganda, along the borders with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The park covers an area of about 33.7 square kilometers and is part of the larger Virunga Massif, a chain of volcanoes that extends into the neighboring countries. Mgahinga is one of Uganda’s smallest national parks, but it is rich in biodiversity and offers unique attractions.


Here are some key features of Mgahinga National Park:


Mountain Gorillas: One of the main attractions of Mgahinga is its population of endangered mountain gorillas. These gentle giants inhabit the dense forests on the slopes of the Virunga Mountains. Mgahinga is part of the larger Virunga Conservation Area, which is home to a significant portion of the world’s remaining mountain gorilla population. Visitors can participate in gorilla trekking, providing an opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.


Golden Monkeys: In addition to mountain gorillas, Mgahinga is known for its population of golden monkeys. These striking primates are endemic to the Albertine Rift and are characterized by their vibrant golden fur. Mgahinga National Park offers golden monkey trekking experiences, allowing visitors to witness these unique and playful animals.


Volcanic Landscape: The park’s terrain is dominated by volcanic features, including three prominent volcanoes—Mount Muhabura, Mount Gahinga, and Mount Sabyinyo. The volcanic peaks provide a stunning backdrop to the park’s lush forests and offer opportunities for hiking and climbing. The Virunga Massif is part of the East African Rift System, and the volcanic activity has contributed to the formation of the region’s diverse landscapes.


Cultural Experiences: Mgahinga is home to the indigenous Batwa people, also known as the “Pygmies.” Visitors to the park have the chance to engage in cultural experiences that provide insights into the traditional practices, lifestyles, and challenges faced by the Batwa community. These cultural encounters can include traditional dances, storytelling, and visits to Batwa settlements.


Bird Watching: The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 180 bird species recorded. The diverse avian population includes various migratory and endemic species, making it a rewarding destination for birdwatchers.


Mgahinga National Park is part of the larger conservation efforts in the region, contributing to the protection of critical habitats and the sustainable coexistence of wildlife and local communities. It provides a unique and immersive experience for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and those interested in cultural interactions.



Getting to Mgahinga National Park involves a combination of air and road travel, and the specific details may depend on your starting point. Here’s a general guide on how to get to Mgahinga National Park from the capital city of Uganda, Kampala:


By Air:

Take a domestic flight or a private charter available to Kisoro Airstrip, the closest airstrip to Mgahinga National Park. This option provides a swift and convenient way to reach the park, offering stunning aerial views of the lush landscapes below.


Once you land at Kisoro Airstrip, ground transportation can take you to Mgahinga National Park. This leg of the journey involves a scenic drive through the picturesque countryside, allowing you to absorb the beauty of the region.


By Road:

For those who prefer overland travel, the road to Mgahinga is a picturesque odyssey. From Uganda’s capital, Kampala, a journey southwest will take you through quaint towns and rolling hills. The drive offers glimpses of rural life, vibrant markets, and the ever-changing scenery that paints a vivid picture of Uganda’s diverse landscape.


As you approach Kisoro, the gateway town to Mgahinga, the Virunga Mountains will gradually reveal their grandeur on the horizon. The last stretch of the journey may take you along winding roads, adding an element of anticipation as you draw nearer to the park’s entrance.


Guided Tours and Transportation:

To enhance your experience, consider engaging with local tour operators who specialize in organizing trips to Mgahinga National Park. They can arrange comfortable transportation, knowledgeable guides, and even cultural interactions along the way. These guides not only navigate the roads but also enrich your journey with insights into the region’s history, culture, and biodiversity.


Public Transportation:


Public buses and minibusses operate between major towns, and you can find transportation to Kisoro. However, note that public transportation might be less flexible and may not offer the same level of comfort and convenience as private options.



The best time to visit Mgahinga National Park in Uganda depends on your preferences and the type of experience you are seeking. Generally, Mgahinga can be visited throughout the year, but there are distinct seasons that might influence your decision:


Dry Season (June to September and December to February):

The dry seasons are considered the best time to visit Mgahinga National Park. During these months, the weather is relatively stable, and rainfall is minimal, making trekking and other outdoor activities more comfortable.

The dry season corresponds with the peak tourist season. The months of June to September and December to February are popular for gorilla trekking and hiking.


Wet Season (March to May and October to November):

The wet seasons are characterized by rainfall, which can make trekking trails muddy and slippery. However, these months contribute to the lush greenery of the landscape.

The wet season is considered the low tourist season, and accommodations may be more readily available. Additionally, permit prices for gorilla trekking may be lower during this time.


Gorilla Trekking Considerations:

Gorilla trekking is a highlight of Mgahinga National Park, and it’s important to note that gorilla families can be encountered year-round.

During the dry season, vegetation is less dense, and trekking conditions are generally easier. However, the wet season has its own charm, with vibrant greenery and fewer tourists.


Bird Watching:

Mgahinga is a fantastic destination for birdwatching, and migratory bird species are often present during the wet season. Bird enthusiasts might find this time particularly appealing.

In summary, the best time to visit Mgahinga National Park is during the dry season, especially from June to September and December to February, for optimal trekking conditions and a higher chance of clear skies. However, if you prefer a quieter experience and don’t mind some rain, the wet season can offer its own unique allure.

Be sure to plan according to your preferences, the activities you want to engage in, and the type of experience you seek.



Mgahinga National Park offers a diverse range of activities, providing visitors with a unique blend of adventure, wildlife encounters, and cultural experiences. Here are some exciting things to do in Mgahinga National Park:


Gorilla Trekking:


The park is renowned for its population of endangered mountain gorillas. Gorilla trekking is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that allows you to hike through lush forests, guided by experienced trackers, to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

Golden Monkey Tracking:


Mgahinga is home to the rare and endangered golden monkeys. A trek to see these playful and vibrant primates provides an enchanting wildlife experience. The golden monkeys are known for their striking appearance and acrobatic antics.

Volcano Climbing:


The park is dominated by three volcanic peaks—Muhabura, Gahinga, and Sabinyo. Adventurous visitors can embark on challenging hikes to summit these volcanoes, each offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and neighboring countries.

Bird Watching:


Mgahinga is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, with over 180 bird species, including several Albertine Rift endemics. Bring your binoculars and explore the diverse habitats, from bamboo forests to montane woodlands, to spot a variety of colorful and unique bird species.

Batwa Cultural Experience:


Engage in a cultural encounter with the Batwa people, the original inhabitants of the forest. Learn about their traditional practices, storytelling, and music. Guided tours provide insights into their history and way of life.

Nature Walks and Hiking Trails:


Explore the beauty of Mgahinga on guided nature walks and hiking trails. These walks take you through bamboo forests, montane woodlands, and scenic landscapes, allowing you to appreciate the rich biodiversity and stunning views.

Cave Exploration:


Discover the unique caves within the park, such as the Garama Cave. These caves hold cultural significance for the Batwa people and offer an intriguing exploration experience.

Photography Safari:


With its diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultural encounters, Mgahinga National Park provides excellent opportunities for photography. Capture the beauty of the Virunga Mountains, gorillas, golden monkeys, and the vibrant Batwa community.

Conservation Education Center:


Visit the park’s conservation education center to learn more about the flora, fauna, and conservation efforts in Mgahinga. The center provides valuable insights into the park’s ecology and the importance of protecting its biodiversity.

Community Tours:


Immerse yourself in the local communities surrounding Mgahinga. Community tours offer a chance to interact with the people, experience traditional dances, and gain a deeper understanding of their daily lives.

Whether you seek thrilling adventures, wildlife encounters, or cultural immersion, Mgahinga National Park promises a rich tapestry of experiences that will leave you with lasting memories of this extraordinary corner of Uganda.


When visiting Mgahinga National Park, it is crucial to adhere to park rules to ensure the safety of visitors, the well-being of wildlife, and the preservation of the environment. Specific park rules may be communicated during orientation sessions before activities like gorilla trekking, but here are general guidelines that are often applicable:


Follow the Guidance of Guides and Rangers:

Always listen to and follow the instructions given by park guides, rangers, and staff. They are experienced and knowledgeable about the park’s conditions and the behavior of wildlife.


Gorilla Trekking Rules:

During gorilla trekking, maintain a minimum distance from the gorillas to avoid disturbing them.

Limit your visit to a maximum of one hour when close to gorilla groups.

Do not use flash photography, as it can disturb the gorillas.


Golden Monkey Tracking Rules:

Similar to gorilla trekking, follow guidelines provided by guides during golden monkey tracking, including maintaining a safe distance.


Stay on Designated Trails:

Stick to designated paths and trails to minimize environmental impact and avoid disturbing the natural habitats of wildlife.


No Littering:

Carry out all trash and litter to maintain the cleanliness of the park. Dispose of waste in designated areas.


No Feeding Wildlife:

Refrain from feeding any wildlife, as it can disrupt their natural behaviors and diet.


No Smoking:

Smoking may pose a fire hazard, so smoking is often prohibited in certain areas of the park. Follow designated smoking areas if provided.


Respect Wildlife:

Keep a respectful distance from all wildlife. Avoid making loud noises that could disturb animals.


Follow Time Limits:

Adhere to specified time limits for activities, such as gorilla trekking. This helps manage the impact of human presence on wildlife.


No Unauthorized Camping:

Camping is typically restricted to designated areas, and camping without authorization is not allowed.


Respect Local Communities:

When engaging in cultural experiences or community tours, be respectful of local customs and traditions. Ask for permission before taking photographs.


Permit Regulations:

Ensure that you have the necessary permits for the activities you plan to undertake, such as gorilla or golden monkey tracking.


Emergency Procedures:

Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and evacuation plans in case of unexpected situations. Report any emergencies or safety concerns to park authorities.

It’s essential to be aware of and follow these rules to contribute to the conservation efforts of the park and to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors. Additionally, staying informed about specific guidelines provided during orientation sessions is crucial for complying with park regulations.



Mgahinga National Park Offers a range of accommodations that vary from Budget to Mid-range and Luxury to cater to different preferences and choices.

Here are a few budget-friendly options that are known to be available in the vicinity of Mgahinga National Park:

Kisoro Tourist Hotel:

Located in the town of Kisoro, which is near Mgahinga National Park, this hotel offers budget-friendly accommodation with basic amenities.

Travellers Rest Hotel Kisoro:

Situated in Kisoro, Travellers Rest Hotel provides budget accommodation options. It is known for its friendly atmosphere and convenient location.


Mucha Hotel Kisoro:

This hotel in Kisoro offers budget-friendly rooms with simple amenities. It provides a comfortable stay for travelers on a budget.


Here are a few mid-range accommodation options that are known to be available in the vicinity of Mgahinga National Park:


Amajambere Iwacu Community Camp:

This camp is situated near Mgahinga National Park and offers comfortable and affordable accommodation options.

It is known for its community-focused approach and cultural experiences.


Lake Chahafi Resort:


Situated near Lake Chahafi, this resort provides mid-range accommodation options.

It’s known for its serene setting and proximity to both Mgahinga National Park and Kisoro.


Here are some of the luxury options that are known to be available in the vicinity of Mgahinga National Park:


Volcanoes Mount Gahinga Lodge:

This lodge is considered a luxury accommodation option near Mgahinga National Park.

It offers well-appointed cottages with stunning views of the Virunga Mountains, providing a high-end and comfortable experience.

Lake Mutanda Resort:

Lake Mutanda Resort is situated near Kisoro and offers luxury accommodation options with beautiful views of Lake Mutanda.


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