Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is located in the northeastern part of Uganda, in the Karamoja sub-region. It covers an area of approximately 2,788 square kilometers (1,076 square miles), making it one of the largest protected areas in Uganda. The reserve is situated between Mount Elgon and the Kadam Mountain ranges.

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is known for its diverse wildlife, including both flora and fauna. The landscape consists of savannah grasslands, rocky outcrops, and acacia woodlands. The reserve is home to a variety of wildlife species, including elephants, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, leopards, hyenas, and various antelope species such as the Uganda kob, Jackson’s hartebeest, and Oribi.

In addition to mammals, Pian Upe is also rich in birdlife, with over 300 bird species recorded within its boundaries. Some notable bird species found in the reserve include the Kori bustard, ostrich, secretary bird, and various raptor species.

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve offers visitors the opportunity to engage in activities such as game drives, nature walks, birdwatching, and cultural encounters with the indigenous Karamojong people who inhabit the surrounding area. The reserve is relatively remote and less visited compared to other national parks in Uganda, providing a more exclusive and wilderness experience for those who venture to explore its vast landscapes.

One notable aspect of Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is its conservation significance for key wildlife species, particularly the endangered Rothschild’s giraffe. The reserve has been identified as a critical habitat for giraffe conservation efforts in Uganda, with ongoing monitoring and protection initiatives aimed at safeguarding this iconic species within its natural environment.

Overall, Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve offers a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and biodiversity of Uganda’s northeastern region, away from the more touristy areas of the country. Its expansive wilderness, diverse wildlife, and cultural richness make it a compelling destination for nature enthusiasts and conservationists alike.


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