Queen Elizabeth National Park is a renowned wildlife conservation area located in southwestern Uganda. Established in 1952, the park is named after Queen Elizabeth II and spans an area of about 1,978 square kilometers. It is part of the larger Virunga Conservation Area that includes national parks in Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Key features and highlights of Queen Elizabeth National Park:

  1. Biodiversity: 

The park is known for its diverse ecosystems, including savannahs, wetlands, and dense forests. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife, making it one of the most biodiverse parks in Africa. Animals found in the park include elephants, lions, buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous bird species.


  1. Tree-Climbing Lions: 

Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for its unique population of tree-climbing lions. The Ishasha sector of the park is particularly known for these lions, which can often be spotted resting on large fig trees.


  1. Kazinga Channel: 

The park is bisected by the Kazinga Channel, a 32-kilometer long natural channel that connects Lake George to Lake Edward. This channel is a prime location for boat safaris, providing opportunities to see hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species.


  1. Bird Watching: 

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, boasting over 600 bird species. The park is a migratory route for numerous bird species, making it an excellent destination for bird watching.


  1. Kyambura Gorge: 

This deep gorge is home to a population of habituated chimpanzees, offering visitors a chance to track and observe these primates in their natural habitat.


  1. Mweya Peninsula: 

The Mweya Peninsula offers stunning views of the park and is a popular location for accommodation. Visitors can enjoy game drives and boat safaris in this area.


  1. Cultural Encounters: 

The park is surrounded by communities, and visitors have the opportunity to engage in cultural encounters, including visits to traditional villages and interactions with local communities.


  1. Conservation Challenges: 

Like many conservation areas, Queen Elizabeth National Park faces challenges such as poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict. Conservation efforts are ongoing to address these issues and ensure the long-term sustainability of the park.


Visiting Queen Elizabeth National Park provides a unique and unforgettable experience for nature lovers, offering a chance to witness the beauty of African wildlife in a stunning and diverse landscape.



Queen Elizabeth National Park is located in southwestern Uganda, making it accessible by various means of transportation. Here are the common ways to get to Queen Elizabeth National Park:


  1. By Air:


Entebbe International Airport (EBB): Most international visitors arrive in Uganda through Entebbe International Airport, located near the capital city, Kampala. From Entebbe, you can take a domestic flight to either Kasese Airstrip or the airstrip near the park headquarters in Mweya.

  1. By Road:


From Kampala: The park is approximately a 5-6 hour drive from Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. The route takes you through Mbarara and Bushenyi, and you can access the park through the Mweya or Ishasha sectors.


Public Transportation: There are buses and minibusses that operate between Kampala and various towns near the park. Once you reach a nearby town like Kasese or Ishaka, you can take local transport to the park.


Tour Operators and Transfers: Many tour operators in Uganda offer guided safari packages that include transportation to and from Queen Elizabeth National Park. These tours often provide comfortable vehicles, knowledgeable guides, and a well-planned itinerary.


Self-Drive: If you prefer more flexibility, you can rent a vehicle and drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park. The roads leading to the park are generally in good condition, but it’s essential to check the current road conditions and have a reliable map or GPS navigation.


NOTE: Additionally, guided tours or well-organized safari packages can enhance your experience and ensure a smoother journey to and within Queen Elizabeth National Park.


What to do in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park offers a wide range of activities for visitors to explore its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife. Here are some popular activities to consider during your visit to Queen Elizabeth National Park:


  1. Game Drives:


Embark on a thrilling game drive to explore the park’s diverse ecosystems and encounter a variety of wildlife. The early morning and late afternoon are ideal times for game drives when animals are most active. Look out for elephants, lions, buffaloes, antelopes, and more.


  1. Boat Safari on the Kazinga Channel:


Take a boat safari along the Kazinga Channel, a natural waterway that connects Lake George to Lake Edward. This offers a unique opportunity to see hippos, crocodiles, and a myriad of bird species along the shores.


  1. Chimpanzee Tracking in Kyambura Gorge:


Embark on a guided trek in Kyambura Gorge to track and observe chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The gorge is also home to other primate species, making it a fascinating experience for wildlife enthusiasts.


  1. Tree-Climbing Lions in Ishasha Sector:


Visit the Ishasha sector to witness the famous tree-climbing lions. This unique behavior is exhibited by some of the lions in this area, and observing them perched on large fig trees is a rare and exciting sight.


  1. Bird Watching:


Queen Elizabeth National Park is a birding paradise, with over 600 bird species. Bird enthusiasts can enjoy spotting a diverse range of species, including waterbirds, raptors, and migratory birds.


  1. Cultural Encounters:


Engage in cultural experiences by visiting local communities surrounding the park. You can explore traditional villages, interact with locals, and learn about their customs and way of life.


  1. Nature Walks and Hiking:


Take guided nature walks or hikes in designated areas of the park to explore the flora and fauna on foot. Some trails offer panoramic views of the landscapes and wildlife.


  1. Hot Air Balloon Safari:


Experience the park from a different perspective by taking a hot air balloon safari. This provides a unique and breathtaking view of the park’s scenery and wildlife.


  1. Visit the Mweya Peninsula:


Explore the Mweya Peninsula, which offers stunning views of the park and is a great location for accommodation. Enjoy game drives, boat safaris, and relaxation in this beautiful setting.


  1. Educational Centers:


Visit the park’s educational centers and visitor information points to learn more about the conservation efforts, biodiversity, and the park’s ecosystems


  1. Crater Lakes:

Kasenyi Crater Lakes: Explore the picturesque Kasenyi Crater Lakes region within Queen Elizabeth National Park. These crater lakes were formed as a result of volcanic activity and offer stunning views. Some of the lakes are home to various bird species, creating a serene atmosphere for nature lovers.

  1. Chimp tracking in Kalinzu Forest Reserve:

Adjacent to Queen Elizabeth National Park, the Kalinzu Forest Reserve is another great location for chimpanzee tracking. Guided treks allow visitors to observe these primates in their natural habitat. The forest reserve is also rich in biodiversity, hosting various monkey species, birds, and unique flora.


  1. Canopy Walkway: Some forest reserves, including Kalinzu, offer canopy walkways. Elevated walkways provide a unique perspective of the forest, allowing visitors to observe the canopy-dwelling wildlife and enjoy panoramic views.


  1. Butterfly Watching: Kalinzu is known for its butterfly diversity. Butterfly enthusiasts can enjoy watching and identifying various species fluttering around the forest.


When planning your itinerary, consider the diverse activities available and the unique ecosystems each area has to offer. 




The best time to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda depends on your preferences and the type of experiences you are seeking. The park experiences two main seasons – the dry season and the wet season. Each season has its advantages and considerations:


Dry Season (June to September and December to February):


Wildlife Viewing: The dry season is generally the best time for wildlife viewing, as animals tend to gather around water sources, making them easier to spot. Vegetation is also less dense, improving visibility.

Boat Safaris: The dry season is ideal for boat safaris along the Kazinga Channel. Water levels are lower, and the concentration of animals along the shores is higher.

Photography: Clear skies and favorable lighting conditions make the dry season excellent for photography.

Wet Season (March to May and October to November):


Lush Greenery: The wet season brings lush green landscapes and blooming vegetation, creating a beautiful and vibrant scenery.

Bird Watching: Migratory birds are often present during the wet season, making it an excellent time for bird watching.

Lower Tourist Numbers: The wet season typically sees fewer tourists, allowing for a more intimate and peaceful experience in the park.



Road Conditions: During the wet season, some roads may become challenging to navigate due to mud and heavy rainfall. It’s essential to check road conditions and choose suitable transportation.

Insects: The wet season may bring more insects, so visitors should be prepared with appropriate clothing and insect repellent.

Ultimately, the choice of when to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park depends on your preferences and the experiences you prioritize. If you’re primarily interested in wildlife viewing and drier conditions, the dry season is recommended. However, if you enjoy lush landscapes and are interested in bird watching, the wet season can offer unique advantages. Before planning your trip, it’s advisable to check current weather conditions and consult with local authorities or tour operators for the most up-to-date information.



Ensuring safety in Queen Elizabeth National Park, or any wildlife reserve, is crucial to protect both visitors and the natural environment. Here are some general safety tips for visitors to Queen Elizabeth National Park or similar wildlife areas:


  1. Follow Park Rules and Guidelines:


Familiarize yourself with the park’s rules and guidelines. These are in place to ensure the safety of both visitors and wildlife.


  1. Stay on Designated Trails:


Stick to designated paths and trails to avoid disturbing the natural habitat and to minimize encounters with potentially dangerous animals.


  1. Keep a Safe Distance from Wildlife:


Always maintain a safe distance from wildlife. Respect their space and never approach animals too closely. This is for your safety and the well-being of the animals.


  1. Do Not Feed Wildlife:


Feeding wildlife is not only dangerous but can also alter their natural behavior. Resist the temptation to feed animals, as it can lead to dependency and aggression.


  1. Use a Guide:


Consider hiring a local guide who is knowledgeable about the park and its wildlife. Guides can enhance your experience and provide important safety information.


  1. Wildlife Viewing Etiquette:


When observing wildlife, keep noise to a minimum and avoid sudden movements. This helps prevent unnecessary stress to the animals and ensures a safer experience for everyone.


  1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings:


Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings. Be cautious near water bodies where animals may gather, and always be on the lookout for signs of wildlife.


  1. Vehicle Safety:


If you’re on a safari or self-drive, stay inside your vehicle unless it is safe to exit in designated areas. Animals may view humans on foot as potential threats.


  1. First Aid Kit:

Carry a basic first aid kit with you. In case of minor injuries, having basic supplies can be useful until professional help is available.


  1. Emergency Contacts:

Know the emergency contact numbers for the park authorities. 


  1. Weather Precautions:

Be prepared for changing weather conditions, especially if you plan to spend an extended period in the park. Bring appropriate clothing and gear.


  1. Travel in Groups:

Whenever possible, travel in groups. This adds an extra layer of safety and can be especially important in case of emergencies.

Always remember that wildlife is unpredictable, and safety should be a top priority. By following these guidelines and respecting the natural environment, you can enjoy a safe and memorable experience in Queen Elizabeth National Park or any other wildlife reserve.



Queen Elizabeth National Park offers a range of accommodation options, catering to various preferences and budgets. Here are some recommendations for places to stay within and around the park:


For budget accommodations in Queen Elizabeth National Park, you can consider various options, including campsites, guesthouses, and budget lodges. Here are some general suggestions:


  1. Simba Safari Camp:

Simba Safari Camp is a budget-friendly option located near the park entrance. They offer basic accommodation, including tents and cottages, and provide a variety of safari activities.


  1. 2. Pumba Safari Cottages:

Pumba Safari Cottages is a budget accommodation option that provides cottages with basic amenities. It is located near the park and offers a comfortable stay at an affordable price.


  1. Queen Elizabeth Safari Camp:

Queen Elizabeth Safari Camp offers budget-friendly accommodation options, including tents and cottages. It provides a simple and comfortable stay close to the park.


  1. Kasenyi Safari Camp:

Kasenyi Safari Camp is situated in the Kasenyi Plains area of the park. It offers budget-friendly accommodation options, and guests can enjoy the wildlife-rich surroundings.


  1. Irungu Forest Safari Lodge


Mid-Range Accommodation:


1.Mweya Safari Lodge:

Located on a peninsula within the heart of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Mweya Safari Lodge offers comfortable rooms and stunning views of the Kazinga Channel.


  1. Ishasha Wilderness Camp:

Situated in the southern part of the park, Ishasha Wilderness Camp provides a blend of luxury tents and a unique safari experience. The camp is known for its proximity to the tree-climbing lions in Ishasha.


  1. Kyambura Gorge Lodge:

This lodge is set on the edge of the Kyambura Gorge and offers a range of comfortable accommodations. It provides a convenient base for chimpanzee tracking and other activities.


  1. Park View Safari Lodge:

Park View Safari Lodge is located near the park’s entrance and offers a range of rooms and cottages. It provides a convenient location for exploring the park.


Luxury Accommodations:


  1. Mweya Safari Lodge:

Situated on the Mweya Peninsula, Mweya Safari Lodge is considered a luxury option, offering stunning views, a range of room choices, and upscale amenities.


  1. Kyambura Gorge Lodge:

Positioned on the edge of Kyambura Gorge, this lodge falls into the luxury category, providing luxurious accommodation with breathtaking views.


It’s important to note that Prices and classifications can also change based on factors such as seasons and specific offerings. When planning your stay, it’s advisable to book accommodations in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons. Additionally, individual preferences and expectations play a significant role in determining whether a particular accommodation fits within the budget, midrange, or luxury category for a given traveler.

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